Sporting and Working Dog Medicine

As a veterinarian, I have the pleasure of working with many different types of pets.
From small dogs and cats to larger dogs and farm animals, they all present their own unique challenges. In fact, the variety of the cases that I see is one of the more enjoyable aspects of the profession. I happen to enjoy the different species and breeds for different reasons unique to each. One particular group of patients that I enjoy treating is the sporting and working dogs. Working canines such as police K-9 and drug/bomb/tracking dogs have been a passion of mine since graduating from veterinary school. Sporting breeds such as field trial and hunt test dogs always present unique and interesting challenges. These animals are in phenomenal condition and they work to please their owner. Their "drive" is remarkable and they have an intelligence to go along with it. Whatever their discipline may be, certain diseases are more prevalent in this class of dogs. Developmental orthopedic diseases are diagnosed in these breeds with a greater frequency than others. As a result of the specialized breeding and development of certain lines of performance, genetic and blood testing has become more important than ever to screen for genetic diseases. Nutrition is vital to the performance of this line of dogs. Whatever the discipline may be, Seaside Veterinary Hospital is equipped and capable of diagnosing and treating these dogs so they can continue to perform at the highest level.